Anime Review: Obey Me!




Drama digest

Anime-obsessed people, this is for you; Obey me! Drama is basically a stimulating anime that was actually a game, and it had a lot of popularity among people; not just this, the franchise is among the top.

People were so into it that it literally got its own anime series. Here you get to see the characters, namely Lucifer, Satan, and other princes of hell. They are students of the royal academy Diavolo, where they train how to rule the whole world.

The feel-good part

The timing is concise for each series, and that’s what makes you indulge in it. Also, the series has a comedy too which makes it more fun to watch.

Disappointing factor

It’s a bit disappointing to see these series stories have nothing to do with the game as people expected. The series should be making people curious to binge on watching.

Depth analysis

Anime has rich characters and a brilliant storyline; they are not bound with any specific character. The story of the anime series will keep their eyes on the day-to-day live activities of the Demon Brothers. Where they change their relationships. Anyhow it doesn’t match the desired storyline of the original game. But the effort is made to show the Demon Brothers in an ultimate new form and somehow make them appear like the originals.

Star power

The characters in the way they have been built in are just amazing to see. They have versatile personalities that will make you have a fictional character crush on them. In addition, the themes are also exaggerated with fantasies of romance.

Overall opinion

If you don’t know how to romance, watch this show. It’s a brilliant anime to spend your weekend on, only for those who expect to have some similarities like the games of it then don’t watch it. Otherwise, it’s a good series as things are concerned; it’s a fanbase work.