Anime Review: Megaton-Kyuu Musashi 2nd Season




Drama Digest

The alien planet has been destroyed, and the alien force called the “Dracters” comes to reside on earth. But their queen does not want the human race in their world, she wants them to perish, so she does precisely that. Because of the annexation, 90% of the humans are wiped out. The survivors live in a shelter, thinking it’s just an ordinary town, not knowing that it is all fictitious and concocted because their memories of the day of the destruction were erased.

But teenagers are being chosen as pilots to operate the giant Musashi robot called “Rogue”, to fight against the Dracters.

The Feel-Good Part 

The protagonist Yamamoto is a solid and bold character. He gives the idea of killing the aliens with genocide. He is impetuous, reckless, and determined to get his planet back. But when he finds this pretty alien girl, he gets all sad and gloomy because she can’t be around all the time. That was kind of sweet and funny and showed his romantic side of him. The sound and voice acting are also good, making the show more enjoyable.

The Disappointing Factor

Despite having a good plot, the starting seems subdued. But it gets better as the show proceeds.

In-Depth Analysis

The home planet of the Dracters was destroyed, they are looking for a place to reside, and so they come to earth. Big holes are made in the earth’s atmosphere to make it suitable for the aliens to live. Now they can live in peace with humans, but the queen doesn’t want to adjust. She’d rather have them demolished. The queen’s daughter, Arshem, the princess, doesn’t see eye to eye in this situation with her mother.

Yamamoto is a really powerful character. Unlike many coward side characters, he enjoys operating the Musashi robot and is set on getting back his planet. This is a typical mega robot vs. alien forces story. The erased memory of the survivors adds to the suspense, and it gets interesting as the story goes on. It is somewhat fast-paced but not that fast that you can’t keep up with it.

Star Power

The animation is good. It is somewhere in the 90s style. The voice acting is excellent, and the sound is competent enough.

Overall Opnion

This anime has a good plot. The directors are able to execute what they want adequately. If you are into action, chaos, and sci-fi, then this show is a highlight and is worth trying.