TV Show Review: Youth Periplous 3






Drama digest

Youth periplous has already released 2 seasons. The third season is founded on cultural and tourism exploration. The show is encompassed by the spring outing family where they go to explore the Chinese culture by visiting numerous places and destinations enjoying different types of local food and a beautiful panorama.

The feel-good part

It is so much fun to watch them taking the challenges. It is based on the theme ‘the city of proud people’. This show is a fascinating drama to watch. It felt satisfactory to watch Wei Da Xun. He was a highlight in the show. The genres of the show are also exciting food, friendship, comedy, and family.

The disappointing factor

It was annoying to see Wang Kai frequently paired up with Lin Yun. Everyone else has been grouped with every other character.

In-depth analysis

Youth periplous focuses on the youthful power of cultural and tourism exploration this show inaugurated a variety of Chinese civilizations.  This show is based on traveling highlighting the history and deepness of Chinese culture. The cast members travel along with the guest to several cities.

Star power

All the actors performed their roles with clearness and embodiment.  The cast is cosplaying famous icons. The cast of youth periplous 3 held live in October to know its members.

 Overall review

Youth periplous is a Chinese comedy show which has 3 seasons. It is also known as a youth tour. It is broadcast through Zhejiang Satellite TV directed by Wu Tong. This show is made from a springtime out own family.