TV Show Review: The coming One 5





2 Hrs 33 Mins



TV Show Digest

An original music variety show is called “The Coming One 5”. The “Fengyun Teachers Group” consists of Ma Dian, Wu Tiao Ren, G.E.M. Deng Zi Qi, Wang Yuan, and Li Xue Qin. At the same time, Pu Shu serves as the “Tomorrow Honorary Professor.” For the musical stage display programs, the show has divided into “Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western” regions. By displaying the original ecological music style of the “wild wild long” in each location, it portrays the actual appearance of the contemporary local music.

The Feel-Good Part

The television show has a fantastic theme. It supported emerging talent and provided a powerful platform for the individual’s future.

The Disappointing Factor

The duration of the television show is very long, so the viewers may lose interest and get offended by it. The selection process is a bit too long.

In-Depth Analysis

A reality series called The Coming One five, produced by the Tencent Penguin Pictures and Wajijiwa Entertainment, premiered on the Tencent Video in 2021. It is the fifth television series of The Coming One. The contestants of group 1 (West class) are Aybar Durman, Jiang Xiangui, Jin Mei, Li Sangye, Lu Ziye, Melissa, Zhu Hengrui, and Li Qijing. The contestants of group 2 (East class) are Chen Mumin, Hu Qihao, Pi De, Yang Haoxiang, Xu Ze, and Ye Ziyang. The contestants of group 3 (North class) are Do Jiayuan, Li Changgeng, Li Luoer, Li Tianzi, Fei Xing Shaonian, and Yi Zhi Liulian. The contestants of group 4 (South class) are He Zixuan, Shu Hao, Apollo, Zhong Yixuan, and Zhuang Zhuheng. On October 16, Tencent Video’s The Coming One, a music reality series, aired its season finale. Jiang Xiangui, age 21, was named the fifth season’s winner after 11 performances presented by four contenders in the final round. The previous season’s champions, Mao Buyi, Cai Weize, Zhang Yuqi, the Air League band, and singer-songwriter Pu Shu, who served as an honorary coach in the competition, all attended the finale.

Star Power

The judges, the production company, and the whole crew of the television show worked hard together and supported each other. The contestants are also talented and determined.

Overall Opinion

It is a fascinating and enjoyable Chinese television program. The goal is to support emerging talent. It may appeal to music enthusiasts. Watching it is worthwhile.