TV Show Review: Boom! Heart





1 Hrs 15 Mins



Drama Digest

This program focuses on solving various issues young men and women have in their lives, where the unique and innovative show restores and smashes widespread reforms and myths in society. It makes the audience feel valid and understood, and inspires people to find solutions for their problems and give them ideas for the same. The information conveyed on the platform seems valid and working for the contestants.

The Feel-Good Part

The best segment of the show is the script of games and surprises this series contains. Being new to the entertainment industry due to being formed recently, the contestants can handle the show’s aesthetics correctly. They are successful in making and portraying good understanding and trust with each other. It also helps them gain a platform for new audiences to get interested in their music and produce potential fans for this boy band. It not only entertains the audience but gives them good values and enjoyment by watching the show.

The Disappointing Factor

The biggest flaw of the show is the factor of how short this series is. It could be less to know and connect with the contestants and the problems they keep solving. As it is a new format of the show, it could be pretty challenging to gain traction as many people are not interested in watching shows which are based on the unknown and fresh faces to them. The severe segment of the show is missing some parts, and there are games and challenges being performed by the group members of the group. It would have added more amazement if more contestants collaborated in the show.

In-Depth Analysis

This type of show’s framework has helped many fresh and known faces of various levels to connect, with the audience and their voice reach new ears. While this series has become successful in “launching” the show and its members on a global level, it has also been winning the fun and exciting fragment. While the rewards may sound unnecessary, it fills the void between them and the audience, which indirectly helps them in their lives and helps them stay relevant in their life. It also gives them various learnings which are beneficial for the audience too.

Star Power

The hosts are interactive, fun and pleasing to watch with good skills to entice the public. They are brave, independent and intelligent to tackle all competitions and the games made are also fun and interesting. Viewers respect the hosts and contestants a lot, and she deserves it. Besides the hosts, the other contestants are also appreciative of realistic acting and an honest approach to their acting skills. They deliver their dialogues in the most authentic way possible. They appear honest and genuine in every sense, brings another charm to watch the series.

Overall Opinion

It is a worthwhile watch for someone who loves to unravel and explore contemporary kinds of music from new musicians and who end up becoming potential fans.