Movie Reviews: Thibaan x BNK48

2 Hrs 9 Mins




2 Hrs 9 Mins

Drama Digest

This is a documentary film about the popular Thai girl band, BNK48, who live in the city, and decide to go to the rural countryside of Issan, in hopes of finding inspiration and producing new music, combining pop and Issan’s folk music.

The Feel-Good Part

The group’s journey towards new music by trying to fit in with the locals in rural Issan is heartwarming and wholesome. The girls initially don’t fit in with the locals, but later manage to do so. It also demonstrates their passion towards their music

The Disappointing Factor

The directors of the Thibaan franchise were initially skeptical about this project as it deviates from the first two installations of the Thibaan series. And this documentary film about a teen pop group in a rural landscape is not very well written and falls shorts at some points.

In-Depth Analysis

The documentary manages to showcase the struggle of the group weel, but also shows their determination towards the betterment of their music. Issan was well received in the limelight and has since been a popular destination for film and drama shoots. While initially skeptical about this, the directors later agreed that this project has been successful in its endeavors and was happy to see the group thrive and function in the rural landscape.

Star Power

Watching the journey of the popular girl band BNK48 is certainly exciting and is a new concept.

Overall Opinion

The film is a good watch as we see the different ways popular singers and pop groups use to get inspiration for new music.