Movie Reviews: The Prisoner

1 Hrs 22 Mins




1 Hrs 22 Mins

Movie Digest

The Prisoner is an action film from South Korea. The plot revolves around a detective on the hunt for a criminal who murdered his wife. Se Do enters the prison to learn the truth about his wife Tae Hee’s murder. In the prison, there is a secret fighting competition and illegal betting where the infamous criminals battle and murdering the opponent is permitted. Se Do discovers that one of the opponents is the assassin he’s been searching for. He decides to take part in the fight for justice.

The Feel Good Part

The fight scenes in the film are well-done, and the performers execute the stunts with ease. Because the director is recognised for his stunt coordination, the film contains a lot of action.

The Disappointing Factor

The screenplay is mediocre, and the actors are unable to convey the emotions well. The backstories of some characters have minimal bearing on the plot and aren’t required. The set design was a mess.

In-Depth Analysis

The film begins with two men fighting, then cuts to a detective, Se Do, pursuing a criminal. Se Do was intended to catch the criminal, but he ended up killing him. He chose to go to prison for this. Through flashbacks, it is revealed that his primary goal was to apprehend the person who murdered his wife and determine the motive for the crime.

There were two different outfits in the prison. Ordinary detainees are blue, whereas those who competed in the Fighting Tournament are orange. Initially, Detective was in a blue uniform. He instigated a riot in order to be moved to a prison that housed notorious and violent criminals. He did it in order to be included in the underground fighting because he discovered that one of fighters, In Gwi, was the killer. The narrative is action-packed, but the story isn’t particularly compelling.

Star Power

Oh Jiho portrayed the detective character. His acting was awful. Jo Woon’s performance as In Gwi was equally mediocre. The action sequences compensate for the film’s many flaws. The performances of the other actors were also average.

Overall Opinion

Although the story is subpar, it is an entertaining watch for action movie fans.