Movie Reviews: Crazy Tsunami

1 Hrs 18 Mins




1 Hrs 18 Mins

Movie Digest

The movie follows a crazy tsunami that traps several people. The people who are trapped are thus faced with a life or death situation and also uncover the true nature of this disaster, which does not appear to be a natural disaster.

The Feel-Good Part

The movie definitely sucks you in. With the high budget investment and the effects, it feels like you are a part of what is happening. As a result, it leaves you on the edge of your seat. It definitely makes you pray that everyone survives till the end.

The Disappointing Factor

The only thing that appears to be a flaw in this movie is the fact that the saying “too many cooks spoil the broth” applies here. As a result of the over the top special effects that are added, one might feel overwhelmed by them which might not draw the viewer in but do the opposite.

In-Depth Analysis

The movie follows a sudden tsunami that strikes the Chinatown of Southeast Asia. As a result, the inhabitants are left shocked. The tsunami leaves the inhabitants stuck, unable to escape. Two inhabitants, Jiang Peng and his daughter Jiang Xiaohu, help to raise the spirits up and, with the help of other inhabitants, decide to fight against an unknown creature. The unknown creature is a result of the tsunami. And as the creature starts looming closer, they come to realize that it was not a natural calamity that they were facing after all. It was after all a man-made disaster under the garb of a natural calamity.

Star Power

The cast does an excellent job of creating high tension and fear in the hearts of the viewers. They bring out the emotions at the right times, which leaves one feeling that they have already faced such a disaster.

Overall Opinion

This movie is perfect for those who enjoy thrillers and movies that cause their heart rate to rise. It is perfect if you want to get accustomed to thrilling movies and are ready to find yourself on the edge of your seat.