Movie Reviews: Takizawa Kabuki ZERO 2020: The Movie

2 Hrs 19 Mins




2 Hrs 19 Mins

Movie Digest

A film adaptation of the Takizawa Kabuki starring Takizawa Hideaki with the boy band Snow Man. A young boy is bored with the books he has. He opens a book with the same name as the title of the movie and is drawn into the world of performance and entertainment.

The Feel-Good Part

The utilization of the sets was done very well. Fans of Snow Man will be happy to see their favorite band members in funny roles. The traditional Japanese dances shown are delightful to see. This movie did its best to include Japanese traditions. Kabuki is split into feminine and masculine roles, all played by men. Seeing the men cross-dress is endearing.

The Disappointing Factor

This movie has a target audience. It is a film by Snow Man for Snow Man fans. It is not a movie for everyone and will not be interesting to the general public. You also need a little knowledge about Japanese culture to understand some scenes. It is said that Kabuki is best understood when watched live, so watching it in a movie format probably won’t give the same effect.

In-Depth Analysis

This movie is complex in the sense that it has to combine traditional Japanese art forms with modern forms. It manages to do so while maintaining a good ratio. While the transition between them could be smoother, it is a difficult feat that the director accomplished. Kabuki is a traditional Japanese drama involving singing and dancing. Hideaki has showcased Kabuki in the form of a movie rather than a live-action theatre. This has been a stroke of genius on his part. The perfect metaphor for Takizawa Kabuki is that of a book with many chapters and short stories in it.

Star Power

It is directed by Takizawa Hideaki and stars the members of the boy band Snow Man.

Overall Opinion

The movie has an interesting concept. People wishing to learn more about traditional Japanese art forms can watch this movie. It can be a hit and miss for many. Overall, it is a good movie that tried an unusual concept and found some success.