Movie Reviews: The Perilous

1 Hrs 35 Mins




1 Hrs 35 Mins

Movie Digest

The Perilous Internet Ring is a horror film directed by Tsuruta Norio who is best known for Ring trilogy, it is based on the novel She Died on QQ by Ma Bo Yong. This is a story about a college student who investigates a series of mysterious deaths. It involves a cursed internet novel which causes people to die.

The Feel-Good Part

It is interesting how the find out that the readers who read the last chapter which leads to hypnotism, this concept is unique and interesting. It is not too scary but good enough.

The Disappointing Factor

It is like a bad copy of the original series all the good parts from original Ring movie were ruined and disappointed the fans who waited eagerly for this sequel.

In-Depth Analysis

A student loses her cousin in a tragic and surprising suicide, with the help of a colleague who enjoys investigating for abnormal happenings, they witness more people dying. The common factor that exists between all the deaths is the curiosity of people on ” Web story” that the deals with the misfortune of a man in love which had not been finished for years, but appears with a “final chapter” written by an anonymous person. After several conjectures, the protagonist couple can close the circle, and they alert the police with the only explanation, as unusual as it may seem, is that a story that is cursed is causing suicides through hypnosis. but is it possible that the Just reading the story hypnotises people, leading to their death. The story unfolds as two psychology students investigate these series of abnormal deaths.

Star Power

The entire cast did an excellent job with acting but it is not up to par with the original. It has more space to improve.

Overall Opinion

The story is good but it is not up to the par with the original. Over all it is average.