Movie Reviews: Mr. Zheng

1 Hrs 40 Mins




1 Hrs 40 Mins

Movie Digest

Mr. Zheng (老郑飞到天上去了) is a Chinese-origin movie that came out on the 27th of July, 2021. It focuses on the life of a middle-aged man who faces issues after his unhappy divorce, struggling to maintain his livelihood. Things take a creative turn when he meets Liangliang. Executed under the direction of Wang Xiaofeng, it falls under the production of Xinningning. Mr. Zheng comes under the production of Ju Feng Yeh.

The Feel-Good Part

Fans have stated how this film opens up discussions through a gender lens. It throws light on the material conditions and ideology existing in the mainland of China. Mr. Zheng upholds the issues of masculinity that reflect the general attitude of men in society at the time. Wao Xiaofeng has portrayed the characters in a very realistic fashion, increasing relatability with the watching audience.

The Disappointing Factor

Fans grew impatient and frustrated with the increased cynicism of Mr. Zheng’s character. His disregard for the feeling of Liang Liang remains unjustified with no decent motives. Although the film started out with a boost, it ended on a plain note.

In-Depth Analysis

With a running time of over an hour and forty minutes, the story opens, throwing light on the deplorable life of Mr. Zheng, owing to his disturbed marriage and unprofitable circumstances. However, fed up with his situation, he channels his anger out on the internet. His descriptions garner attention, making him an internet sensation within minutes. He comes across Liangliang, a middle-school-going student who helps him manage his internet persona. Further, the story continues with their major disagreements and reconciliation that only happens when Liangliang becomes aware of Mr. Zheng’s impending disease.

Star Power

To bring out the offbeat nature of Mr. Zheng, it became essential to narrow it down to an actor with considerable potential. The casting team did a fair job in gathering the crew. The starring cast includes Zhang Song Wen as Mr. Zheng, Zeng Ke Lang as Liang Liang, and Wang Yue Yi as Xiao Qin.

Overall Opinion

To feel the angst of a man facing a midlife crisis, Mr. Zheng will suit your time. The relationship that forms organically between Liang Liang and Mr. Zheng shall remind you of a father-son bond.