Movie Reviews: Life And Death

1 Hrs 30 Mins




1 Hrs 30 Mins

Movie Digest

Bored with the typical romance and slice of life plots, here is a crisp, out-of-the-blue film set to provide you with the chills at night! Shuo Yuan directs the movie Life and Death with utmost precision and detail with a running time of one hour and thirty minutes. The story runs along with a criminal investigator named Shen Ke, who faces a myriad of disappearances across the district. Combined with the much-required cautious help of another investigator, Liu Ling, who serves as a captain in the precinct, both try their hands at unravelling the mystery behind the artful hatching of female serial murders. The movie came out on January 10th 2021.

The Feel Good Part

The movie falls under crime, thriller, mystery, action and horror, starring well-established actors like Hong Shuang, playing a significant role in Break Through (2021). Yuan Shuai and Bai Yunfeng also play crucial roles in Life and Death. Till the very last minute, when the identity of the murderer comes to the screen, the movie maintains a hypnotic effect on its viewers.

The Disappointing Factor

If sitting through a typical whodunit plotline is not the kind of relaxation you would prefer on a day off, we recommend watching full-of-life dramas. The intensity of the action in the movie and the scale of the murders committed are enough to send off a content warning for violence.

In-Depth Analysis

Both the main actors collaborate in an action-filled chase to hunt down the person responsible for the series of female murders happening around the city. The dreary ambience of the movie exudes a definite gravity to the seriousness of the matter, complimenting the plot itself.

Star Power

The Director Shuo Yuan is known for directing other outstanding hits in the country called Top Secret Pursuit (2021), Sniper (2018) and The King of the Drift 2 (2018).

Overall Opinion

You can catch up on this movie online and delight yourself with the outcome of the murders. A score of 3.25 on a scale of 5 is where this movie stands, in our opinion.