Movie Reviews: Half Of The Quilt

1 Hrs 39 Mins




1 Hrs 39 Mins

Movie Digest

Half of the Quilt /Half Quilt (半条被子) is a Chinese-origin historical drama film that came to the cinema halls on the 5th of September, 2020. Executed under the direction of Meng Qi, it has a running time of over an hour and thirty-nine minutes. It revolves around real life-events that happened in 1934 with the Red Army Party, commemorating the mission of the Communist Party.

The Feel-Good Part

Set in the era of the 1930s, in rural China, the directors did a fabulous job of depicting the material conditions of those times. The props used in the movie add to the realistic portrayal of the characters. The symbolic sharing of the half of the quilt suggests eternal togetherness and friendship, encouraging us to find the same in our lives.

The Disappointing Factor

It is clear from the onset how the government has used the movie as an instrumental tool to further their jingoistic views, swaying the citizens from questioning the government. Half of the Quilt becomes a distraction for the public from the horrors of the unification process in the 1930s.

In-Depth Analysis

During the difficult times of the hardships, three women from the Red Army party share half the read quilt with the elderly in a village. The red in the quilt symbolizes the ever-after connection, being merged with blood through thick and thin. The film serves as the nationalist propaganda of the state, evoking feelings of patriotism for citizens and encouraging them to have humanity for their fellow neighbors.

Star Power

Keeping in mind the level of emotions and tenacity required to fulfill the roles of three female soldiers, it became significant for the casting directors to choose well. The starring cast involves Tao Hui, Tong Lei, and Chen Yanli as Wang Quilan.

Overall Opinion

Half of the Quilt or Half Quilt becomes a fine watch on days of national significance, renewing the love for one’s country. It also reflects the political conditions of mainland China.