Movie Reviews: Blessed Winter



Movie Digest

Some things can go wrong and just sometimes those wrong things can be good for you. Merdan a young man loves a girl and he intends on spending his days on the doorstep of his lady love. Ekide also has feelings for him and he keeps waiting at her door but scared of her parents he couldn’t find the courage to knock on her door. Even Ekide is scared of her parents and doesn’t do anything about their love exchange. But suddenly a love letter makes its way to Ekide’s door, but the surprising thing is that it is not from Merdan. The boy doesn’t have the guts to do that but he feels that he knows who dared to send love letters to the girl whom he loves. So, in a courageous fit, he becomes the aggressive protector of his love from any potential suitor. But, it backfired on him and he ends up getting some punches and nosebleeds. Merdan’s stars must have supported him because of these wounds and scrapes he befriends Ekide’s alcoholic father. Both Ekide and her mother are concerned about this, but Merdan manages everything and soon the bursts of laughter can be heard from their house.

The Feel-Good Part

The light-hearted comedy and the reality-related comic scenes are the best part of the movie. The comic timing is perfect which makes it more enjoyable. Long with the whitewashed and blue shades of walls looks so aesthetic and pleasurable for the eyes.

The Disappointing Factor

There is nothing such as disappointing in the movie it is a comedy to be enjoyed one can enjoy the movie from their perspective.

In-Depth Analysis

This short movie depicts the youthful love that blossoms amidst such worrisome circumstances. The youth are scared of their parents but cannot stop their emotions was anyone ever successful in controlling their feelings anyway? No right! Just like that the director presents the comic strip movie which is funny and light-hearted.

Star Power

Ehsan Imam is the star that shines in the complete movie. His acting and perfect comic timing perfectly match the energy of the movie.

Overall Opinion

The movie is lighthearted and effortlessly funny. It doesn’t feel like a movie instead it feels as if you have been witnessing the sight with your own eyes. The acting is natural and the plot comic with perfect comic punches and maybe some on Merdan as well!