Drama Review: Revice Legacy: Kamen Rider Vail (Special)





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TV Show Digest

Before the stories of Ikki, Daiji, and Sakura began, there was a critically injured man with no memories named Junpei Shiranami twenty-five years ago. He got taken to the scientific research organization, NOAH. He was given a heart transplant by Masumi Karizaki and survived the brutal injury. He also forcefully received the Vail Driver to become a strong and remarkable demon hunter. As the only memory he remembers was that of his parents getting murdered by the dangerous demons, he wanted to fulfil his vengeful wish. After the painful struggles, he became Kamen Rider Vail with revenge on his mind which drove him to fight without any fear. But soon, he becomes fearless about everything and violently attacks people without caring for anyone because he could not find the target of his revenge, which creates a sorrowful void in his heart.

The Feel-Good Part

The show follows the story of a boy who turns into a demon hunter to avenge the death of his parents but soon loses his path, which becomes a beautiful back story to its predecessor. It is a surprisingly more grounded and meaningful plot, which provides an engaging execution to watch. The storylines are clear and believable as it portrays an emotionally packed series. Some themes are dark and dramatic, which goes well with the show. It is a fast-paced drama that does not get dull at all. The acting performances are also mind-blowingly portrayed, as each character brings something new to the table. The high production values and directorial choices are promising in this drama. The technical executions and musical aspects got well produced to elevate the entire experience.

The Disappointing Factor

Some romantic storylines might be problematic for viewers but make total sense. The story progressions are faster than required, which leads to less impact on a potential show with a brilliant plot.

In-Depth Analysis

It is a season that premise 25 years ago when a boy named Junpei Shiranami was injured and treated in a scientific research centre where he had a heart transplant and some Gif cells that provided fascinating abilities and healing powers. He became the strongest demon hunter and fought many demons in his vengeance for the death of his parents. But one day, as he was stuck in a bad situation while battling with the devil, he was rescued by a woman. After getting to know each other, Junpei slowly opens up to her as they both are going through similar loneliness and depression. Soon the unexpected demon shows up, but things get complicated as he reveals the truth behind his parent’s death. A majestic finale reveals the fates and truth behind a now happy family.

Star Power

The director of this show is Sakamoto Koichi, and the writer is Mori Nobuhiro. Wada Masanari plays the role of Kamen Rider Vail, Okubo Sakurako plays the role of young Igarashi Yukimi,  Totsugi Shigeyuki portray Igarashi Genta, Emi Kurara plays the older Igarashi Yukimi, and Takahashi Kensuke plays Karizaki Masumi in this series.

Overall Opinion

It is one of the better spin-offs of Kamen Riders that has a thrilling plot till the very end. It provides the viewer with a painful story of revenge that is entertaining and well-portrayed. It is a sure pick for the audience who have already watched other spin-offs and parts of this drama. The show provides as much as it promised.