Drama Review: Raijingu Jakuchu Tensai Kaku Kakusei Seri (Special)





1 Hrs 30 Mins



Drama Digest

Ito Jakuchu is a rich merchant who comes from a wealthy background. He is an aspirant artist who is a keen admiration of Edo-era Kyoto. Edo is a great artist during his period. He receives support from his friend Zen Monk and poet Daiten Kenjo. Iwajiro, a worker in a toy shop in a small town, wants to become an artist like Ito Jakuchu. Though Iwajiro is not wealthy as Ito, Iwajiro has a talent competition with Ito. Though Iwajiro has exceptional talent, his character is not as good as his talent. He is jealous of Ito of his wealth and possession. Ito Jacuchu has a connection with famous people. Iwajiro is a low-class mediocre person who is somewhat worse with famous people. The notable people’s talent has well portrayed in this drama. Catch this drama to more about the substance. Watch this drama to explore many exciting features still hidden in this drama.

The Feel-Good Part

The concept of showcasing famous people and their talents in their very own field was a new concept to watch. The plot and the storyline were simple. There were many motivational facts in the story.

The Disappointing Factor

The story and the plotline revolve around a single theme. Not many emotions appear in the film. The plotline of this drama is very flat though it has many interesting facts to examine.

In-Depth Analysis

The motivation and innovative facts in this drama pull the audience. How talent wins over wealth is the key factor to look forward on this drama. Character and talent were both displayed in this drama.

Star Power

Their talents and the jealousy from Iwajiro towards Ito were good to watch. Some of the characters are Ikeno Taiga and Gyokuran.

Overall Opinion

This drama sucks your time to the people who expect entertainment.