Drama Review: Mokomi: Kanojo Chotto Hendakedo





00 Hrs 30 Mins



Drama Digest –

Mokomi is called a weird child for having her imaginary world and for having conversations with non-living things like her stuffed toys, stones or plants. She eventually leaves school after 5th grade and continues education by related courses. She spends most of her time indulging in her World. By the time she turns 20, she starts to work part-time at a small factory, where she could feel the “feelings” of the factory, which causes trouble for her. Someone visits her and it changes her life.

The Feel-Good Part –

Mokomi’s stint of having her own imagined life reminds the audience of their childhood. Her struggles of talking in public or not feeling awkward is relatable and honest in the present livelihood we live in. The transformation of her and her family gives a powerful message of letting go of past scars and providing a chance to heal and move forward again. It is a well-produced show with many beautiful morals to learn. The actor playing Mokomi takes vast focus on making the scenes seems natural, where she makes the viewer seem that Mokomi’s beliefs are true.

The Disappointing Factor –

The transformational journey of her family has been one of the main focuses of the show. But the disappointing factor is the way her mothers and her brother’s journey has been hurried across. There are fewer scenes dedicated to their trip. It compromises on giving closure to the journey and changing both of them. Some actions done by the male lead are also silly and with no reason at all. The twist in Mokomi’s character can be frustrating to watch for some viewers.

In-Depth Analysis –

Yuya is the mysterious male lead coming to Mokomi’s life and changing it completely. There is no romance or backstory, which is new and different to witness. She never thought of meeting Yuya, and when she does, it is heartwarming and beautiful to watch how gradually her habits change. She becomes happy, more confident and mentally strong to face the world. The transformation she and her family got was a huge blessing when she went through years of suffering and hurt.

Star Power –

Mokomi can experience animism, where her family considers her being weird. Her family has a control-freak mother, a passive father, an outspoken grandfather and a normal and loving brother. The journey of her character growth of Mokomi from being an introvert to a confident and socializing person is mainly focused on in the series. She realises her true potential and the right purpose for herself. Her growth and transformation change her family too. It is enlightening to watch people change for the better.

Overall Opinion –

A beautiful story of the transformation of someone like us is a worthwhile watch.