Drama Review: Kuroshinri Kanojo Ga Oshieru Kindan No Shinrijutsu






Drama Digest

Kuronosaki dabbles in “Dark Shinri-Jutsu”, also called “Dark Psychology”-  a forbidden method meant to manipulate people by inserting  certain words and gestures into casual conversation. She can control people’s thoughts using persuasive and coercive tactics to any means- whether it be for good reasons or just achieving her heart’s desire. She uses her skills to solve various psychological mysteries and cases throughout the course of the series.

The Feel-Good Part

The show is laced with dark humor that blends in perfectly with the otherwise thrilling atmosphere  of the drama. The character of Kuronosaki is particularly entertaining as she deals with the many psychological issues throughout the series. People who enjoy stories involving mind games, high emotional intelligence and psychoanalysis in general will definitely find it worth their time.

The Disappointing Factor

This drama may come off as a bit edgy to some. It is only for an audience that is comfortable with themes of manipulation, psychological coercion and mind control against one’s own wishes. Also, some of the dark psychology tricks come off as too easy and gives the show an unrealistic and exaggerated feel.

In-Depth Analysis

Built on a psychological premise, this show really plays with our minds and our perception of right and wrong. It portrays manipulation as an everyday thing in our society. The only defence a person has if they don’t want to be attacked is to take on their weapons. That’s where the protagonist steps in. She shares her knowledge of “Dark Shiri-Jutsu” with people who are suffering and helps them in getting their way.

Star Power

Kubo Shiori is absolutely impeccable in her portrayal of Kuronosaki- a mysterious, sadistic, sharp-tongued devil dressed in her red attire. The various guest cast appearing each episode add in their own flair and keep the dark theme of the show consistent till the very end.

Overall Opinion

If you are someone who takes pleasure in edgy psychological thrillers with gray characters, then grab your bowl of popcorn and enjoy this eight-episode ride.