Drama Review: Himitsu No Ai-Chan






Drama Digest  

“Hiimitsu no Ai-Chan” is adapted from the manga of the same name. Kasumi Ai is a tomboy who is part of basketball club. She is popular with girls and plays better than a lot of boys. Amano Reo is her rival and the only person who beats her.  She considers him a rival and compares the number of love letters they got but ai always ends up losing.  Ai’s brother hires her as a maid for his café “Spica”. She isn’t girly so she wears a wig and makeup. She works there secretly. When she meets Reo in her disguise he asks her on a date. She builds a revenge plan that is to make him fall for her and dump him. Will she be able to succeed?

The Feel-Good Part

Ai’s personality is absolutely adorable. The couple moments are very heart fluttering. The way Reo prefers Ai over Mai is very satisfying to watch.

The Disappointing Factor

The ending is disappointing. The way Reo keeps Ai’s identity a secret without allowing Ai to be true to herself. He is the only person who knows her identity.

In-Depth Analysis

Kasumi Ai is a tomboy who plays basketball. She is very popular among her peers. She has a cute personality and is naïve. She ends up working at her brother’s cafe “Spica”. As she is not girly, she works in disguise by wearing wig and makeup. Reo asks her out on a date so Ai plans a perfect revenge plan as he is always winning. Her plan is to make him fall hard for her and dumb him but she ends up falling for him. Just when Reo finds another love interest his ex-girlfriend shows up. Just like any other typical love story there is a love triangle and a lead with secret. This story is sweet and natural-paced.

Star Power

Yuna Tiara and Kanta Sata did a great job and their chemistry is adorable.

Overall Opinion

Overall, this is a good drama with great romance and it makes us laugh at times. It is similar to a lot of dramas having a lead with disguise but it is good. It is worth watching.