Drama Review: Hatsu Jouji Made Ato 1 Jikan





00 Hrs 30 Mins



Drama Digest

The show follows different couples in each episode. Each couple meets with a desire to get intimate. However, they also get to know each other and get intimate emotionally before get physical with each other. The episode starts exactly one hour before the couples have to get intimate and ends just before the sexual activity begins. The show explores different perspectives of different couples throughout the episodes. It is’ like an anthology of different stories.

The Feel-Good Part

The concept of the drama is very intriguing. The plot seems different than your usual Japanese shows, that are generally famous for high school romances. It is an interesting and different take on romance. In some ways, it even mocks people who only look for a physical relationship and disregard the emotional part when the emotional intimacy is what they desperately need.

The Disappointing Factor

The execution of the drama does not sit well as compared to the storyline. Some factors are missing that could take the drama to another level. The episodes are not seamless they seem like different episodes of different dramas. Also, if you are not into creepy dolls, you will find it hard to get past episode 1. Also, for the international fans, it is difficult for you to find English subs as there are no fan sites eager to lick up the drama and Viki has not completed the subbing yet.

In-depth Analysis

The storyline progresses as well as one could expect for such a character-driven show. Not all characters are praise-worthy and likable. The plot is interesting but dull and the dialogues are nothing new. The first episode might make many viewers suspicious of the show. But if you want to watch the show, hold through it. A few episodes are really interesting while a few fall flat.

Star Power

Asuka Kudo and Usuda Asami are main actors for episode 1. Hagiwara Riku and Kiryuu Mai are main leads in episode 2. Hagiwara Riku was previously seen as a guest character in the Netflix show ‘Alive.’ Similarly, every episode has different main characters.  Most of the characters are believable and the actors have done a pretty good job.

Overall Opinion

If you like anthologies and want to see something heart-felt, you should watch Hatsu Joji Made Ato 1 Jikan. However, it will bore you out of your mind if you like interesting things. The show is supposed to be romantic but becomes philosophical instead. And there are way better philosophical shows than Hatsu Joji Made Ato 1 Jikan. These views are of the reviewers only. If the viewers are interested, they should check out the show.