Drama Review: Drops Of God






Drama Digest

This Japanese anime revolves around the topic ‘of alcohol.’ The central theme of the drama is explaining the various combinations of wine and food. The male protagonist of the drama is a beer seller. He works as an employee in a beer-selling company. His father is the owner of a million-dollar wine company. After he passes away, he decides to take after his father since it can help him establish a better career in the alcohol industry. But the way isn’t as easy for him as he thinks. He has to face a competitor, his father’s adopted son. This is a story of how things turned out for him due to his life-changing decision.

The Feel-Good Part

The show makes an effort to dive exceptionally deep into the world of wines. All of the information portrayed on the show was authentic and kept the viewers thirsty for more information. The connection portrait between wine and food is impressive and exciting. They use the concept of wine as a mirror of different cultures. All the characters on the show are dynamic and are always wanting more. The art of the series has a realistic feel to it.

The Disappointing Factor

There might be some disappointments but none can be specified.

In-Depth Analysis

This manga has been released in two parts. One focuses on the ‘Twelve Apostles,’ and the other one focuses on the ‘Drops of Blood.’ Shizuku Kanzaki is the young protagonist of the drama. He works as an employee add a beer-selling company. The name of his company is tayo. The story begins with the death of Shizuku’s father, Yutaka Kanzaki. Yutaka was a world-famous owner of a wine-selling company. Shizuku did not have a good relationship with his father and hence was estranged from him. He used to live alone and therfore couldn’t establish loving towards his father. After learning about the death of his father, Shizuku sees it as an opportunity. He thinks that he can finally take over his father’s job and be the owner of something he is interested in. Alcohol had always interested Shizuku, but he had never tasted wine. As soon as he is ready to take over his father’s business, he learns a shocking truth. He learns that his father had adopted another young wine critic as his son a week before his death. The name of this man was Issei Tomine. Yutaka had mentioned in his will that he wanted to distribute his belongings to both Shizuku and Issei. He had mentioned another thing in his will and that was a mystery to solve. Yutaka wanted Shizuku to describe his thirteen significant wines, which he had kept as treasures. Out of these, the first twelve were called ‘Twelve apostles,’ and the last one was called ‘Drops of God.’ It is a task for both him, and Issei to discover the mystery behind these thirteen wines. But unknown to the world of wines, it is a challenge for Shizuku to solve these mysteries correctly. His keen sense of smell and taste are his main helpers on this journey of his. With the help of a few other people and hard work, Shizuku dreams of defeating Issei.

Star Power

The two male leads were the obvious highlights of the show due to the character development they possessed. Shizuku is mostly an innocent man who lives a regular life, and Issei is popular among the ladies due to his sharp looks but delicate and intelligent personality. Their healthy rivalry is the one thing to watch out for the most.

Overall Opinion

This manga won the hearts of a lot of people because of how realistically it portrayed everything and how the entire series only revolves around the concept of wine. The rivalry between both protagonists was healthy to watch. It is a much-recommended anime that can impress almost everyone.