Drama Review: Not Easy To Forgive






Drama Digest

Not Easy To Forgive tells the love story of the old carpenter Yi Dachuan, the great apprentice Yu Zhongsheng and his grandson, Yi Xiaochuan.

The Feel-Good Part

There were many heart-touching moments in the show as the characters make sacrifices and learn to accept hard realities. The show has well-written relationship arcs that are not only realistic but also noble the character arcs and relationship growth were natural and realistic. The viewers will find this show very relatable and engaging.

The Disappointing Factor

The overall revenge plot and anger felt a little over-stretched and cliché. The plot becomes a little overwhelming with all the complex characters and emotional face-offs.

In-Depth Analysis

Not Easy To Forgive tells the love story of the old carpenter Yi Dachuan, the great apprentice Yu Zhongsheng and his grandson, Yi Xiaochuan.  Yu Zhongsheng fell in love with Yi Xiaochuan, the grandson of Master Yi Dachuan. The second apprentice, Yin Dongyi, broke the beam of Yu Zhongsheng’s neighbor’s house out of jealousy, resulting in the death of a child. Yu Zhongsheng took the blame and was imprisoned. Due to the situation, Yi Xiaochuan fell in love with Yu Zhongsheng but was forced to marry Yin Dongyi. Yu Zhongsheng heard the news in prison and swore revenge. After his release, he makes good use of his words and took the opportunity to strike his opponent. Yu Zhongsheng and Yin Dongyi saw how Xiaochuan and his relatives were suffering in the struggle, and Yu Zhongsheng and Yin Dongyi gradually understood the truth. There were many heart-touching moments in the show as the characters make sacrifices and learn to accept hard realities. The show has well-written relationship arcs that are not only realistic but also noble. It is easier to relate to the main character’s struggles. The overall revenge plot and anger felt a little over-stretched and cliché. But the ending made it better. Overall, it was an interesting watch with an excellent plot.

Star Power

The star power of the show is the cast and the writing. The characters, the story arc, and the relationship development were all well-thought. The actors did a brilliant work of portraying their characters, and the understanding between them was natural.

Overall Opinion

Overall, Not Easy To Forgive tells the love story of the old carpenter Yi Dachuan, the great apprentice Yu Zhongsheng and his grandson, Yi Xiaochuan. The overall revenge plot and anger felt a little over-stretched and cliché. But the ending made it better. Overall, it was an interesting watch with an excellent plot.