Drama Review: De Yun Theater Season 2






Drama Digest

The beloved drama filled with music, drama, and theater is back for its second season. The last time we saw our emperor, he managed to find a tunnel and make his way to the theater and became part of a significant trope of talented individuals and immersed himself in the world of theater. This time, we get to see how much our prince has grown. Does he understand his people even more? Have the lives of the people under him changed his perspective on politics and how he rules? Speaking of rulers, what happens to the emperor’s uncle? Does the transition of power go smoothly, or is there a massive block in the road that leads to more conflict and drama? How does the theater help him? Does he express his frustrations and pressures through art? Does the trope help him, and have the friends he has made along the way allowed him to express himself and be the best version of himself truly? All these questions and more get answered this season. Watch this epic drama and find out.

The Feel-Good Part

Like its previous season, it still maintains its charm and greatness. The acting is still on point, the set design and cinematography are still great, and the quality has not significantly dropped. We get a great sense of direction this season. We finally understand how the story will progress if we get more seasons. Another significant aspect that has remained perfect is the theater. The show still manages to use its theater aspect to the best of its ability. This season we get some great scenes and musical moments that stick with you even after the season ends. Each set is masterfully crafted and given a life of its own. You are truly immersed in this world and everything it has to offer. It maintains its humor and comedic moments while still giving us those heartwarming and wholesome moments that we come to love and associate with this drama. Overall, this season we get a sense of growth not only in the emperor but also in the other characters within the show. It will be interesting to see how the show progresses from this point in the story.

The Disappointing Factor

Like most shows, it has to live up to the expectations and standards set up by the first season. If a comparison was made between the two seasons, then the first season would be better. With its natural step down from the original season, you may feel a bit disappointed, but it does not hinder the entire image and enjoyment of the drama. With this season being a fresh start for a majority of the characters we are introduced to new plotlines that do not wrap themselves up as naturally as we would expect. There are still a few cliffhangers from the previous season that remain unsolved, and it does get a bit frustrating. Since this drama is based on a web series, there is a concern about whether or not, going forward, it will remain faithful to the source material or whether it will take some creative liberties and change the way we look at it. For now, the season is still the great drama about a loveable emperor and an art form protected by its people that we have come to know and love.

In-Depth Analysis

While the first season looked at setting up a base for our characters and everything they get into, season 2 allows them to grow. Whether it’s how they grow as a leader or in their art forms, we see growth as a major symbol this season. This drama is excellent when it leans more into the art aspect and less into its social issues, but even when it does so, it manages to stay grounded yet remain light and fun.

Star Power

It’s excellent that iQiyi renewed this drama for a second season, as we get a lot to explore. IQiyi’s historical dramas remain some of the best in the industry, with some greats such as Joy of Live, Love Like the Galaxy, KinnPorsche Side Story, Hikaru no Go, and Love Between Fairy and Devil. This season we have Qi Xiao Hui as the director. She is best known for works such as  Really Meet Love That Day, Consummation, A Little Thing Called First Love, Huang Fei Hong, and Miss Unlucky. The same actors from the previous season reprise their roles and continue delivering fantastic performances, especially our leads, Victor Qin, Zhao Xiao Tang, and Meng He Tang.

Overall Opinion

With its second season, we continue with all the elements we love about The Theatre Stories. If you wish to see how the story progresses, then you should check it out.