Drama Review: Assistant Of Superstar






Drama Digest

The plot centers around an uncultured, successful rockstar with Virgo inclinations and intense disorder, and his bright helper with a fear of crowds and the capacity to clear up his mess. Yuchi, a classical literature student, is terrified of public speaking and being seen. She takes her friend’s advise and enrolls in a psychological interview programme in order to get rid of the condition. She inadvertently enters into the interview room and becomes superstar’s full-time assistant.

The Feel-Good Part

Don’t be put off by the fact that you don’t know what you’re in for – it’s a lot better than you might expect. Because of the Male Lead’s reactions, I literally laughed out loud a few times. Many C-dramas are superficial and plastic in my opinion, but this one has a smidgeon of realism and isn’t off-putting in terms of how realistic everything feels and looks. It was a lighthearted drama that had your heart skip a beat every five minutes.

The Disappointing Factor

A change of setting, a cliché moment, then, just in case we overlooked it, a gag with humorous sound effects. Rinse and repeat as needed. The majority of it revolved around the Male Lead’s weak effort to please the Female Lead. In absence of any meaningful story telling, all of the tropes and clichés are layered on top of one other. Forget about morality or PC; this stuff lived with the dinosaurs.

In-Depth Analysis

Wang Yu Xi may be an exceptionally attractive and well-liked celebrity, but beneath his gleaming façade lurks a dark secret: he has never received a good education. As a result, he spends most of his time awfully close to the illiteracy line. While Yu Xi is typically able to conceal his flaws, there are moments when he fails spectacularly, the most recent example being his disastrous interview for a key role in a forthcoming project. His firm has no choice but to find him a tutor now that his need for one has become evident, but the search is proven to be more difficult than everyone anticipated. Wei Chi Yao, who works as a teacher at a local organization, has always wanted to be a teacher, but the obstacles to making that ambition a reality have been hard to overcome. Chi Yao can’t seem to say no when he’s invited to play the part of a superstar’s tutor. However, Yu Xi’s intense anxiety of crowds makes dealing with him extremely difficult.

Star Power

The male lead is lovely, entertaining to watch, and appealing, with just enough jealousy and immaturity to keep it cute and humorous without being over the top. He’s stupid, but not too stupid, and he concedes, but not too much. On a scale of Icicle to full-on lava stalker, he’s somewhere around bonfire when it comes to the female protagonist. The female lead is really rather intelligent, and she has the lower EQ of the two, giving the drama a subtle role reversal vibe. She is very quiet in fact, I believe she speaks more in the first two episodes than she does throughout the drama, but she is about so much more with acts and mimicry.

Overall Opinion

You get something delicious, simple to binge, and entertaining to watch with predictable surprises, a spacecraft full of slices, and a lot of charm!