Anime Review: Sono Bisque Doll Wa Koi Wo Suru




Drama digest

Wakana Gojo is a high school student with the hobby of making Hina dolls. He tries to perfect the art to reach the level of his Grandfather’s ability to make them. Marin Kitagawa is Gojo’s classmate who loves cosplaying. Gojo and Marin develop a partnership when Marin discovers his hobby so that Gojo sews clothes for Marin to cosplay. Gojo is shy and meek, while on the other hand, Marin is confident and popular among her peers. Will they grow close? Will there be any spark between them? Watch the series to find out.

The Feel-Good Part

The series shows us that people with opposite personalities can fall in love and be together. It also focuses on the awkwardness in teens while socializing with others. Marin brings out the hidden confidence and social skills in Gojo and makes him overcome his insecurities and realize his actual abilities. The series also shows the dedication of Gojo and Marin to sewing and cosplaying and even to their partnership. Various animation styles make each character stand out.

The Disappointing Factor

While the show has answered most of the questions about the friendship and relationship between Gojo and Marin, it has not shown what happened to their partnership. Other than that, a few of the scenes may be triggering for a few people. It also has a lot of fan service, which the non-targeted audience might not like.

In-Depth Analysis

The series focuses on the friendships and relationships made during the teenage years. The socializations shown are almost realistic. The show has built one of the healthiest friendships in anime. It also reveals that such friendships are possible in real life. The series is about helping each other improve, which is the basic idea of a relationship between two people, not only as lovers. More characters joining the duo represent just that. The character development of Gojo plays a vital role in young minds.

Star Power

Shoya Ishige as Wakana Gojo and Hina Suguta as Marin Kitagawa make the characters seem outstanding just by their voices.

Overall Opinion

For those who are looking for a high school series with healthy friendships with a twinge of mature content, then this anime is the right one for you.