TV Show Review: Match Of The Century: AI vs. Human I Don’t Fire Myself





1 Hrs 10 Mins



TV Show Digest

Who is superior? Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Humans.

AI is slowly taking over the world. By 2045, AI would have surpassed humans in intelligence and work. The larger question is whether AI is helping or destroying humans. In the past, AI has helped human beings but will that be always the case?

The reality series is all about pitting human beings who are experts in their fields against AI across various themes such as golf, stock trading, song composing, mimic singing, mind reading, and auditory facial composite.

The participants are all foremost minds like singer Ok Joo Hyun, golfer Star Se Ri Park, stock trader Mach Seven, profiler Kwon II Yong and montage expert Lois Gibson.

These experts take on AI in their respective fields. They not test their intelligence but also put their reputation at stake.

In each episode, the humans are tested beyond their capacity and will. Who will emerge the winner?

And can humans and AI co-exist peacefully or will it be a threat?

The Feel-Good Part

It is an interesting concept wherein there is an artificial being taking on a human being. It also gives a glimpse into an AI-ruled world, which is scary yet exciting.

The experts have confidence in their abilities to not just test the brains but also their status as experts. Hats off to them.

In addition, the visuals and sound effects add to the tension created between the two (humans and AI).

The Disappointing Factor


In-Depth Analysis

In today’s world, a lot of investment is being made into AI which is considered to be the future. But is AI a friend or a foe? Will AI aid or destroy humanity?

This reality series explores by bringing top-notch experts in their chosen domain and pits them against AI. Seven areas are a combination of performing arts such as song composing, mimic singing with mental aptitudes like mind reading, and analytical and number-driven professions such as stock trading.

These professionals take on AI. In the process, they not just push themselves beyond their comfort zone but also their name is at stake.

For instance, when the mind-reader takes on AI, it is fascinating to watch their interactions. Can an AI’s mind be read or can AI read a human’s mind?

Will human beings win the match of the century? Watch the series to know more.

Star Power

The theme and the experts are the star power. It is so fascinating to watch the two beings battle it out to be the best.

Overall Opinion

It is a must-watch show to understand AI and its role in the future.