TV Show Review: Great Escape Season 2 MASTER Ver.






TV Show Digest

Six outstanding players collaborate on each episode of the show. They are imprisoned in confined spaces with different themes and transported to secret rooms with various themes. They must rely on one another to complete the escape. They can only rely on hints and inference details to gradually open up new possibilities. To escape, combine to unlock various parts of the game until all members are free.

The Feel-Good Part

The casting of the members is very apt and well. All of them have unique talents that contribute to solving the whole game. Every player was exceptionally witty and focused during the game.

The Disappointing Factor

Not all the cast of the show are present in every episode. There were not any females on the team.

In-Depth Analysis

Senior players such as Pu Yi Xing, Tang Jiu Zhou, Shao Ming Ming, Huo Shu, JY, Young Gangzhu, Zhou Jun Wei, and others make up the program guests of The Great Escape 2 MASTER Version. They are not only active in terms of appearance, IQ (intelligent quotient), and EQ (emotional quotient), but also in terms of consistent output, and their interactive performance is very thrilling. In comparison to Great Escape Season 2, it is more focused on puzzle solving and moves at a faster pace. According to the trial play of experienced players, the production team can adjust the difficulty of the secret room task. The members were set up with an intriguing trap by the show to leave the room. The hints they find during their exploration help them understand the context of the backstory, but they also have to decipher secret codes, work out puzzles, and deal with unforeseen turns. Every episode has a distinctive theme and narrative. You might not find a particular subject interesting, or you might find them all fascinating. There is no dragging in the Master Version because they are extremely good at solving problems and finding clues, even if they occasionally make incredible unnecessary mistakes. According to some, the tempo, speed, and pace are too fast, which may confuse the audience. If something appeared to be complicated, there was always Shao Ming Ming, who played the role of ordinary people and would ask the other members how to solve and the answer. The strength of the Master Version is that everyone is so engaged and committed to solving the puzzles and locating the answers. Unfortunately, this master version appears to have received less attention than it deserves because there is hardly any show promotion.

Star Power

The main cast is Tang Jiu Zhou aka JoJo, Zhou Jun Wei aka Jacky, Qi Si Jun, Shao Ming Ming, Pu Yi Xing, Huo Shu, and Guo Wen Tao. The cast consists of everyone who is at least “half-celebrity,” and they are all extraordinarily sharp and attractive.

Overall Opinion

This version of Great Escape is just as fun as every other version. The cast of this show makes it even more interesting to watch it. You should give it a chance if you enjoy games that involve finding clues and solving puzzles.