Movie Reviews: The Brightest Roof In The Universe

1 Hrs 55 Mins




1 Hrs 55 Mins

Movie Digest

A fourteen-year-old girl, Oishi Tsubame has a crush on a university student and neighbor, Toru. She has a good relationship with her father and stepmother but questions everything when she finds out that her parents are expecting a baby. These things fill her with angst and anxiety and she thinks this might disrupt her peaceful family life.

Her calligraphy class’s rooftop is where she finds tranquility. One day when she goes there, she meets Hoshi-baa, a mysterious old woman. She starts spending more time with her and Hoshi-baa slowly helps her in finding the answers to her questions.

The Feel-Good Part

The movie has a monotonous feel about itself, in a good way of course. It flows smoothly and everything is put so systematically that it never feels rushed. The movie is calming and gentle in its own way and it never feels boring. It is well calculated and well-executed.

The Disappointing Factor

The movie doesn’t have any disappointing factors, but the monotonous vibe might bore some people. Overall, the movie is amazing.

In-Depth Analysis

The Brightest Roof in the Universe revolves around Oishi Tsubame, a fourteen-year-old girl. The movie starts with her dropping a letter in the mailbox of his crush, Toru, who is her neighbor and a university student. She has a close relationship with her family but then doubts it because of her stepmother getting pregnant and she feels, she might be abandoned because of this new member joining their family. She frequents the rooftop of her calligraphy class because the stars and quiet give her peace. One of these days she finds a kickboard scooter and a granny whom only she can see. She spends more time with her and tries to find answers to the things she is feeling within.

The movie deals with true teenage traumas and it feels more realistic because of the way it is shot. The cinematography is one of the best and it brings out the essence of the movie.

Star Power

Kiyohara Kaya as Oishi Tsubame was an excellent choice. You can feel all the emotions of anxiety, hope, love, and doubt with her. And nobody else could’ve done a better role for Hoshi-baa than Momoi Kaori. She is just amazing at what she does.

Overall Opinion

A light and heartwarming movie but still filled with so many emotions that you should at least give it a try.