Drama Review: Bangkok Zero





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Drama Digest

The show revolves around a group of social media marketers who created the hashtag #5OctCityBomb to advertise a fish product are in trouble after mysterious bombings occured within the city on September 5th, causing the hashtag #5SeptCityBomb to go viral on the internet. It was found out that the main culprits were a group of university students. However, the prime suspect remains on the marketing team. In order to trace down the real culprits, the marketing team has to go through numerous other problems to bring out the absolute truth and prove themselves innocent.

The Feel Good Part

The show comes with lots of twists and turns that make it a thrilling experience for its audience as numerous mysteries unfold. The cinematography is also impressive in the show, which brings justice to the show’s mood and makes it entertaining for its audience.

The Disappointing Factor

The show does not have any disappointing factors as such, as it has a fantastic plot that has been executed in an impressive manner. The creators of the show have done an excellent job, leaving no chances for complaints from the critics.

In-Depth Analysis

The drama’s plot has a lot of unsolved mysteries that have their own twists and turns when solved. This makes the show very interesting to pursue, as well as makes the audience curious about what is going to happen next. The show’s pace is also perfect as it is neither too fast nor too slow. The production of the show is fantastic, which leaves no chance for any complaints, thus making it an excellent show.

Star Power

The show features a fantastic cast who deliver brilliant performances, setting the show’s mood. All the actors in the lead roles have done an excellent job, and the supporting actors have made the show more dynamic and vibrant through their performances. Kim Anongnart and Dujdao Vadhanapakorn were adorable in the show. Along with their co-stars, Best Ekawat and Yimkey Kamolwacharathum, they showcase fantastic energy, which keeps the audience engaged without losing interest at any point in time.

Overall Opinion

If you are looking for an action series that is both entertaining and thrilling, then Bangkok Zero deserves your attention. The show has everything one might look for in an action drama. It has a fantastic plot, brilliant casting, and excellent production, thus making it a complete package of entertainment.