Drama Review: The high school heroes





0 Hrs 60 Mins



Drama Digest

“The high school heroes” is the latest Japanese drama of the “tokusatsu” theme which refers to live-action films or special effects films. Itsuboshi Academy is the center of the story. The school has a long history and the principal Sumimoto plans to achieve his goals by using a demonic superpower called “Mazin”. To Stop him six students, go up against him.

The Feel-Good Part

The show captures reality through all the violence. It delivered some important messages about the consequences of your actions and also points out the idea that “less is more”. The scenes are based on pure reality. It exposes the viewers to a different side of the world. As a live-action film, the visual effects and action scenes are all outstanding.

The Disappointing Factor

To show has a significant amount of violence that may be disappointing to a few viewers. Some scenes are painful to watch and can be disturbing.

In-Depth Analysis

Principal Sumimoto uses the demon PowerPoint from the weakness of people’s hearts. He meets eat to fulfill his 10-year-old ambition. Six of his students, Manaka Taisei, Domon Ryuhei, Takigawa Yusuke, Oura Hyuma, Morimura Naoya, and Sakurai Ichika, gather and form a team to go up against the principal. Taisei Manaka, who is a huge fan of Humitsu Sentai Gorenger, takes the lead and gathers the rest of his schoolmates. Among the rest, two of them are basketball players, another an artist, a dance team captain and one is the most popular kid in the school. All of them for a team to fight the evil demons named “Mazin” that are taking over people. Being part of a group, all of them have their highs and lows. It also strengthens their friendship and helps them grow together and build their power as heroes.

Star Power

The six chief heroes, Iwasaki Taisho, Sato Ryuga, Nasu Yuto, Ukisho Hidaka, Fuji Naoki, and Kanasashi Issei, played their roles remarkably. They portrayed characters perfectly. The actors behind them are not even visible, only the brutal characters.

Overall Opinion

It is an exceptional live-action film with an amazing cast and is well-produced. The show brings chills and it will show you a strange side to reality.