TV Show Review: Vampire House: The Favorite






TV Show Digest

Everyone in the Vampire House of NCT 127 wishes to become human to be with the one they love. They get together to talk and play games. The winner gets to drink the family’s prized possession: the wine “Favorite,” which can transform them into human beings.

The Feel-Good Part

The boy band maintains the light-hearted theme while being dressed up as vampires, trying to answer the questions, playing various games, and winning. The show is full of giggles and, inside jokes, witty humor. You won’t stop giggling throughout the episodes. In addition, the background and theme in which the story is set up are just fantastic. The aesthetic set adds to the attractiveness of the series. 

The Disappointing Factor

Like the other NCT 127 series, this one also runs for only two parts, which is saddening. Nonetheless, there is not much to disappoint. 

In-Depth Analysis

The NCT 127 boy band dresses as vampires and come up with unique and hilarious backstories to become human for the people they love. The boys have to answer various questions and play games. Whoever wins gets to drink the family’s prized possession: the wine “Favorite,” which can transform them into humans. 

Yuta Favoritesuki is a badass! He is not afraid to drink the holy water or ginger, which is deadly for the vampires. Doyoung Favoriteney is a vampire pop star, or as he says, VAM-POP, and will win the love of his life by singing songs for her! Jaehyun Favoritine from the famous Favoritine family also loves NCTzen. Mark Favoritek has read all about love and wishes to experience it. Jungwoo Favoritetio loves NCTzen (all the fans of the NCT group are called NCTzen). His rival is Jaehyun, and he wants to trample him to win the love of NCTzen. Haechan Favorite is 6060 years old and is the oldest vampire of all. Taeyoung Favoritetus is the youngest of all. He is called the baby vampire and wants to transform into a human to spend his life with the love of his life, who sells roses. Taeil Favoritemoon, another vampire, was born in Hungary. His lover has incarnated as a human, so he wishes to be a human and spend time with her. Favorite Johnny holds a mirror and claims that his lover looks just like him, unaware that vampires can’t see themselves in a mirror. 

The boys play their vampire characters hilariously. 

Star Power

It is tough to choose your favorite in this series. All the boys live up to expectations with their goofy and cute personalities. 

Johnny, however, is the funniest of all. He adores himself in the mirror, although vampires cannot see themselves in mirrors. Johnny claims his lover looks just like him. He develops his answers around this claim, which is very entertaining to watch. 

Overall Opinion

The series is one of the shortest and funniest. You can put this show on and watch it while having dinner. It is full of giggles and a must-watch.