Drama Review: Reply 1994





1 Hrs 17 Mins



Drama Digest

At a Seoul boarding house, a group of college students from all around Korea transforms into a large joyful family.

The Feel-Good Part

The ensemble of realistic characters, their unshakable relationships, unforgettable friendships, and love for one another is what distinguishes this drama. This was a sure-fire prescription for success, especially when combined with the nostalgia of the 1990s. For begin, Na Jeong was a lovable and witty character. It’s difficult, in my opinion, to top Eun Ji’s portrayal of Sung Shi Won in 1997, but Go Ah Ra did an excellent job as the main character. The rest of them were excellent in their roles as well, but Chilbong sticks out a little more.

The Disappointing Factor

To begin with, the show was far too long for the plot. There were 21 episodes in total, some of which lasted an hour and a half. R1994 would have benefited greatly if the show had been cut down in length. It started to drag about halfway through, and it became a little tedious at times. Also, the mystery of the husband took up far too much of the story.

In-Depth Analysis

Six university students from different provinces live together at a boarding house in Sinchon, Seoul, managed by a couple with a daughter named Na Jung, in 1994. The narrative jumps back and forth between 1994 and 2013, leaving the audience to predict who of the male characters will become Na Jung’s husband.

Star Power

Despite the fact that everyone was more focused on the love triangle, the best aspect of this drama was undoubtedly the friendship. We got to observe how seven strangers became family over the course of 21 episodes. The show began off brilliantly, and episodes 1-10 were the finest; perhaps the only issue had was that the episodes were too long, and the plot became too concentrated on the love triangle. This drama also did an excellent job of portraying many facets of relationships. A realistic connection, the “I-won’t-let-you-go” relationship, a relationship in which the character is unsure of what he feels, a relationship that teaches a character what true love is, and a basic but gorgeous relationship.

Overall Opinion

Every member of the major cast delivered authoritative, motivating, insightful, and heartfelt performances, which helped the drama to come together. Definitely worth watching.