Drama Review: Rise Of The Descendants






Drama Digest

A long way into the future, after millennia of human progress, humankind is in a high-tech era. Internet and technology are an inextricable part of every person’s life and have enriched every aspect of society and people’s lives. This abundance of technology has resulted in the air being full of various electronic particles. Some particles strangely affect certain people and bring out their supernatural powers. The people with superpowers use them in different ways, some doing good deeds while others commit unspeakable evils. A struggle occurs between the righteous and evil factions of these people with supernatural talents, with ambitious young people at the forefront.

The Feel-Good Part

The series has a dark yet dazzling allure that attracts viewers and keeps them hooked to their seats. The plot, although not unique, has many riveting aspects that help us explore and get immersed in the futuristic world where it takes place. The actors are charismatic and add much to the appeal of the series. Their youthful charm compliments the characters they play and makes them seem more realistic and relatable. The camerawork is mostly good, with a somber tone that enhances the dark and mysterious vibe of the storyline.

The Disappointing Factor

The budget for the drama is low, and it becomes apparent in the poor set design and the second-rate special effects. These weaknesses often distract the audience from the main plot and destroy the futuristic feel that the show strives to exude. The writing is also weak, with a script that does not do all its characters justice. Focusing on four main characters at once also rids any of them from having fulfilling character arcs, leaving their character development incomplete. The supporting characters are one-dimensional and lack depth. The pace of the storyline is also slow, which does not mesh well with its futurist premise.

In-Depth Analysis

Described as a “youth fantasy web series,” this show presents us with a fantastical future and captivating young characters. It perfectly blends fantasy, futurism, and sci-fi to create a mesmerizing and mystical world that engrosses viewers. The youthful cast is fun and engaging, connecting with the audience in a way that emotionally attaches them to their characters.

Star Power

Li Dai Kun does an excellent job in his leading role, showing off his acting skills and bringing in a lot of fans with his numerous arresting expressions. Lu Ben Juan, Chen Si Yu, and Jerry Que do well in their respective roles and elevate the series. It is chiefly due to the main cast’s exceptional acting that one can enjoy the show despite its flaws. The supporting cast is, however, mediocre in comparison.

Overall Opinion

If you are a fan of the sci-fi genre, this action-packed drama is the perfect watch for you. It transports us to an incredible future world where humanity has progressed immensely, and people even have superpowers. The plotline is dark and fascinating, with exciting performances from the leading actors, and the series proves itself to be very entertaining once we look past its technical problems.