Drama Review: Get On A Flat






Drama Digest

Get On A Flat is about the lives of ordinary people in Hong Kong and how it’s easier to win the lottery than to own a public house. They contemplate whether having your own home can allow one to lead a comfortable life.

The Feel-Good Part

The show has one of the great casts with great chemistry together. The cinematography and the writing are excellent. The struggles of middle-class people for the bare minimum are relatable. The character arcs and relationship growth were natural and realistic. The viewers will find this show very relatable and engaging.

The Disappointing Factor

The show though hilarious sometimes takes the story too far from reality. The main selling point of the show is its relatability. But the plot becomes a little unrealistic chasing the hilarious nature of the show.

In-Depth Analysis

Get On A Flat is about the lives of ordinary people in Hong Kong and their dream to own a flat and lead a comfortable life. This is the hilarious story of a couple trying to make their dreams of owning an apartment come true. Back in the financial crisis of 2008, supermarket manager Che Chi-ming sells his apartment in a hurry. The middle-class lifestyle unfortunately turns into a midlife crisis. Chi-ming’s wife Man Wai is obsessed with property. She works as a part-time helper in a luxury home. She has uploaded photos of her on her social media platform, making her cousin’s sister believe she still lives in a luxurious mansion. Her eldest daughter even applies to the HOS apartment scheme using a sham marriage. To make his real estate dreams come true, the family uses every dirty trick imaginable to find themselves in hilarious situations. They experience conflict between their loved ones and their capricious emotions. Fortunately, they eventually realize that “home” is not the same as “home.” The family eventually gives up on their dream of “home” and embraces love as home.

Star Power

The star power of the show is the main characters. The styling choices and dialogues made the actors more relatable and hilarious. The main cast did an amazing job of making the viewers laugh and cry simultaneously.

Overall Opinion

Overall, Get On A Flat is a hilarious show with relatable characters and an engaging and realistic storyline. The show makes you realize the value of family and love. It provides the viewers with a better perspective of dreams, life, family, and love. The show is beautiful and worth a watch.