Article: Top 10 Anime With Grey Characters

Being morally ambiguous is the secret to creating some of the most intriguing people, whether they're heroes or villains.The central figures in anime aren't that straightforward; they think no one can be entirely right in this confusing world. Though they frequently switch between sides and aren't evil, these characters have the potential to do terrible things with the finest intentions. While committing atrocities in the service of an undeniably worthy cause, some live in a constant state of ambiguity. Anime characters with moral ambiguity are multifaceted, complicated characters whose true motivations are often a mystery to the audience. Below are the top 10 anime with grey characters.

1. Elias Ainsworth (The Ancient Magus' Bride)

Chise initially met Elias Ainsworth from The Ancient Magus' Bride when he bought her as a slave to keep her as an apprentice and potential wife. Although Elias has lived for millennia, he lacks compassion and maturity and is more like a child than a villain. Elias isn't above thinking of evil deeds, even when motivated by self-interest, as evidenced by the time he tried to sacrifice Stella because he was envious of Chise. Elias wants to improve and learn from his mistakes, as demonstrated by the fact that he overcame his envy and permitted Chise to enroll in college.


2. Lady Eboshi (Princess Mononoke)

Lady Eboshi is Princess Mononoke's adversary and acts as Iron Town's de facto leader. To achieve her objectives, Lady Eboshi is willing to destroy local deities and spirits in addition to the forest. However, Lady Eboshi is a legitimately noble character in Princess Mononoke from the viewpoint of the majority of people.  Lady Eboshi aids the underprivileged and powerless, particularly women and people whose lives had shattered by conflict. Even Lady Eboshi wants to draw the Forest Spirit's blood in the hopes that it will be medicinally beneficial. There's a good reason why she's so cherished by almost everyone in Iron Town.


3. Reigen Arataka (Mob Psycho 100) 

Among anime characters, Reigen Arataka enjoys debating the most. He is the most amusing character in the entire Mob Psycho 100 since he not only wants to win but also tries to do it using the best yet most peculiar techniques ever known. Fraudster and fabricator Reigen Arataka is. Almost every episode of the show has Reigen engaging in an argument. A popular favorite is a scene when he rescues Mob from two cons when they try to blame him for shattering a phony pricey pot.


4. Levi Ackerman (Attack On Titan)

Attack on Titan's Levi Ackerman is prepared to give his life to protect humanity from the Titans' man-eating prowess. Numerous lives had saved because of his persistent efforts, and he shows enormous sympathy for the deaths of his subordinates, who distress him. Levi, though, won't hesitate to resort to violence if necessary. When Eren Jaeger is detained and brought to court, Levi exerts control over the Titan shifter by severely assaulting him. It's challenging to interpret Levi given his criminal record.


5. Endeavor (My Hero Academia)

Endeavor is a dreadful family member and the second-strongest superhero in his realm. As a superhero, he rescues innumerable lives but abuses his wife frequently and places unattainable expectations on one of his children while ignoring the others. The My Hero Academia cast finds it challenging to come to terms with Endeavor because of his dual personality.


6. Ai Enma (Hell Girl)

The Hell Girl in question is Ai Enma. One can desire someone to be dragged off to hell by Ai in the series, but only at the price of their own life. If someone dislikes them enough to utilize the doll, Ai can use it to drag innocent people to hell. Her parents got sacrificed in her village, and Ai became the Hell Girl to protect their spirits. But as the narrative progresses, Ai demonstrates her ability to extend kindness to others, including Takuma and Suzuki, and even to put herself in danger on occasion.


7. Denji (Chainsaw Man)

Beginning as a young orphan striving to settle his father's yakuza debt, Denji is the protagonist of Chainsaw Man. He awakens as the devil-hybrid, with chainsaws bursting out of his body after being slain by the yakuza. Denji is prone to be seduced to hedonistic levels by material things like money and food. He becomes a hero to the general public as a Public Safety Devil Hunter, but Denji freely confesses he's only doing it for the sake of his employer. Denji isn't exactly insensitive, especially in light of his upbringing, when these goods weren't always available.


8. Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul) 

After weathering a ghoul attack, Ken Kaneki of the Tokyo Ghouls discovers that he is evolving into a hybrid of the two species. At first, Kaneki was a kind man who wanted to sacrifice himself to defend others. Kaneki realized how complex the world is after Yamori killed a mother and kid after Kaneki was unable to choose one to spare. This realization caused Kaneki to become more vicious and aggressive. Kaneki eventually gains the title of One-Eyed King and turns into a Kakuja. Kaneki develops increasingly aloof from his companions after regaining his memories, but he does it intending to keep them safe. Kaneki can also be kind even though she knows it will lead to someone's death, as she did when she spared Yamori from the CCG Investigators.


9. Fukuzou Moguro (The Laughing Salesman)

A Fukuzou called The Laughing Salesman people in requirement can see the enigmatic character Moguro. They frequently get their requests granted by Moguro, but there are always restrictions. The plan goes tragically wrong when individuals succumb to pressure and turn against him. Given individuals might have appreciated his gifts if they had heeded his warnings, there are a few instances where it appears Moguro only wants to assist others. Not accepting Mogul's assistance is a flawed decision, though. And on top of all that, Moguro engages in several illegal acts like stealing and counterfeiting.


10. Ayanokoji (Classroom Of The Elite)

The D-Class, specifically Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, in the future Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School is the center of Elite's classroom. Ayanokoji is a bit of a study in contrast and begins as being emotionally cold. Ayanokoji is exceptionally brilliant and expert despite being in the D-Class, yet she deliberately does poorly on tests. Ayanokoji enjoys using people's confidence to manipulate and take advantage of them. After being reared in a facility, everything for Ayanokoji's independence and way of life. Sometimes Ayanokoji does this out of kindness or in pursuit of a higher ideal.