Anime Review: Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories (Season 9)




Drama Digest –

An old man with a yellow mask showed to the children’s playground and narrated them ghost stories based on the traditional myths and mythologies of Japanese culture. He mainly narrates the stories on the back of his bicycle along with the kamshibai method and features a new tale every week. From the third season, a boy, introducing himself as the kamishibaiya in the form of a child, sits on the playground slide and sings a tale which he starts to talk about and make illustrations along the way. In the 9th season, he tells the stories to the animals from the Chinese Zodiac.

The Feel-Good Part –

It is a straightforward show, and the masked storyteller narrates his story well. They create an eerie and scary atmosphere and create tension for a monster that is revealed, making suspense and thrill for the audience. The designs and illustrations are also creative and stylish. The ghosts and monsters made are scary and it creates an impressive impact in the viewer’s mind.

The Disappointing Factor –

Since the 2nd season, this series has not tried to make a creepy compilation of short stories. They are not trying to have some sort of background and making random things with no background at all, where mainly they used to do Japanese and Chinese urban legends. The expectations have turned low because of the lack of seasoning and clarity. The background score has also lost its charm.

In-Depth Analysis –

Inspired by a manga series and has been a cult classic and a fan favorite due to various seasons being made, this series has been very much a part of the audience for a lot of years. The 9th season of bringing the animation of animals having the power to have conversations is groundbreaking for the concept for years and years. It brings a fresh and new idea in the drama history being made and it brings a new thrill to the viewer’s interests. The ghost stories are haunting and horrific to listen to.

Star Power –

The narrator, the man with a yellow mask and the child in the other seasons are very impressive to watch. They know their work and attract the audience’s attention. The illustrations made and the drawing they are making while narrating is very impactful, and the support for the narrated stories. The sound effects they add spontaneously are a hit or miss, but the fantastic narration steals the viewer’s heart.

Overall Opinion –

For someone who wishes to watch ghost stories that are haunting and scary, it is a worthwhile watch.