Anime Review: Oda Cinnamon Nobunaga




Anime Digest

Adapted from the manga of the same name, the series follows the reincarnated journey of a samurai who is reborn as a canine in Modern Japan.

When Nobunaga, the former lord of Owari is deceived by his subordinate Akechi Mitsude, his final wish is he is reborn as a dog. The wish comes true and he is reincarnated as a dog in modern day Japan to an owner who is a fan of a male idol group. He is also displeased about his portrayal as a fool and dislikes the works fool, stupid and idiot.

Other samurais are also reborn as canines and the series follows their journey and moments as proud warriors living as canines in present day Japan.

The series has hilarious moments and is a treat. The experiences, the interactions and the moments of the samurai as a dog is the series.

The Feel Good Part

Interesting story line and fabulous animation

The Disappointing Factor


In-Depth Analysis

The Samurai represents bravery or courage in Japan and are respected. Dogs are also treated with love and respect in the country. But when the past meets the modern, attitudinal changes are observed. The series brings them out.

Star Power

The animation and voice over artists who have brought the characters to life

Overall Opinion

A treat for anime and pet lovers alike.