Anime Review: Cardfight! Vanguard Extra Story- If

Also Knowns As: Cardfight!! Vanguard Gaiden: If



Anime Digest

Kouji Ibuki starts having new nightmares after the Vanguard High School Koshien is over. Suiko is asked by Nome Tatsunagi to call him to the estate, where they discover he can view a Dark Tower known as Sanctuary. Sanctuary is changing history’s timeline, and the only way to stop it is for Kouji first to undo his future error. Now that the Magical Girls Emi Sendou and Shuka have summoned Vanguard units to assist in changing history, Kouji and Suiko must journey to the parallel realm known as “if”. Sadly, the two can’t do much to aid because using cards to battle actual creatures is ineffective.

The Feel-Good Part

The exploits in the program are quite good. It introduces a vast set of characters from the previous arcs, which is pretty remarkable. It has a grand crossover feel, which is cool. It’s fantastic to see all the familiar faces returning, and the characters and attacks are both excellent. But Kouji is one of the things that makes the show so entertaining. Every scene he is in, he steals. Since he has previously served as both a hero and a villain, the man has undoubtedly gone through a lot.

The Disappointing Factor

Even though you can see the characters’ mouths move. At the same time, they chat, the animation is restricted, the keyframes are messy, and occasionally the characters appear as though you accidentally stopped at an in-between edge. Even while a picture looks excellent enough to not disappoint you, there are occasions when it is evident that the show didn’t have a large budget or a lot of time.

In-Depth Analysis

As a Vanguard Fighter, Kouji Ibuki was once summoned to the Tatsunagi house when he was abruptly teleported to the -IF- universe. But in the IF universe, card fighting doesn’t exist because of a skewed history. Ibuki met with a group of enigmatic girls in the -IF- universe. Emi Sendou, a magical girl, and Shuka, a card fairy. They are the “Blaster Pair” who, in their conflict with Jammer’s wicked minions, summons units from cards!

Ibuki, Emi, Shuka, and Suiko Tatsunagi, who were all involved in the scenario, set out on a quest to uncover the natural history.

Star Power

If you enjoyed the cast of the other Vanguard shows, you would enjoy them here since many of the prominent characters from the main series have returned. Still, the original AU characters deserve special recognition. Emi, the titular magical girl, is endearing and entertaining to watch, which surprised me considering how little of the main series she was in. Her drive to save her brother and her personal development over the series is incredibly amusing and unquestionably a high point. Shuka, Suiko, and Ibuki, another three main characters, each have their character arcs, which I found incredibly fulfilling.

Overall Opinion

This is primarily anime series for Vanguard fans who adore the show’s characters, and it serves as a love letter to the franchise’s previous anime productions. You either love it or despise that it combines the strangest, craziest, and most tragic scenes throughout the series into a chaotic stew of strangeness. Anyone who enjoys the Vanguard anime and wishes to take a trip down memory lane should check it out. Everyone else should probably stop and consider it for a moment.